Risk Beyond 2022 is Back Live in Bali.

After more than 2 years battling the pandemic, Risk Beyond is back live in Bali, and will once again host hundreds of leading governance, risk, and compliance practitioners and decision makers from around the world.

For more information about this program, please contact us through one of our registration channels:

    We would love to hear from you!

    Risk Beyond 2024 Program Secretariat
    Office 8-SCBD, Level 18-A
    Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 52-53 Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia P: (+62-21) 29608311
    F: (+62-21) 29608312
    E: info@riskbeyond.com

    CRMS Indonesia
    Jl. Batununggal Asri No. 18 Bandung, Indonesia
    P: (+62-22) 87301035
    M: (+62) 811 22 333 075
    E: secretariat@crmsindonesia.org